вівторок, 3 квітня 2012 р.

"Майбутнє мобільного зв'язку". Декілька слайдів із цікавою статистикою

Але каменти, на мій погляд, ще більш цікаві. Наприклад, деякі досить обгрунтовано стверджують, що наведена в слайдах статистика неправильна. Що існують інші дані, котрим є всі підстави довіряти більше, ніж наведеній статистиці:
Alex Kerr on Mar 26, 9:27 AM said:
The stats shown here are wrong. The world's leading mobile stats expert Tomi Ahonen (recently rated by Forbes as the most influential mobile expert in the world) gives the following stats and I have no reason not to believe his over other stats out there:
Total mobile phone installed base is 4.8 billion, which is just under 69% of world population. Population is split between 1.2 billion in the rich industrialised world and 5.8 billion in the developing and emerging world. Smartphone split is at 35% of all phone in the industrialised world (covering 44% of the population, as phones outnumber population) and just 12% of phones in the developing/emerging world (covering only 7% of the population) - incidentally those latter figures have grown by only 1% in the last year, from 11% (6% of pop) - NOT explosive smartphone growth!

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